Saturday, April 18, 2015

An Honest Opinion on Nu Skin and MLM Organizations

"Would you like an opportunity where you can improve yourself,  become self-employed, and earn a lot of money?" (pointing at recently purchased luxury car)

If this sounds familiar, you are being recruited to an MLM or even worse, pyramid scheme.

"But we're different than other MLM companies. We're legitimate."

In reality, they are different, but they are similar in the worse way possible. All of their motives and incentives are geared towards recruiting you and getting their commission in one form or another.

You do see the promises above, but they leave the part that it will all be at the expense of others (most likely your family and friends). Now would you accept this setup?

If your answer is yes to above then this blog will be of no use to you. This blog cannot give a conscience or morality to a person.

To decent human beings, this blog attempts to:
a. Explain the logical and systematic reasons why MLM and Nu Skin is unethical and even evil.
b. Share my personal experiences with Nu Skin
c. Inform potential recruits of Nu Skin and other MLM organizations
d. While unlikely, disrupt the brainwashed minds of existing Nu Skin members and shed light on the true nature of Nu Skin

Why Nu Skin? Because it is the best in concealing its true unethical motives and intentions.

Pyramid schemes are obvious and a decent individual would already be turned off when the setup is explained to them. Nu Skin on the other hand, are adept in convincing decent people by hiding their unethical nature through distraction. They let their members and recruits focus on their "cutting-edge legitimate" products, "global reputable" brand and "wealth" seminars while they setup their systems for unethical and down right evil behaviour.

On to the main topics. Attached are the various sections of my blog.
1. Why Nu Skin and MLM is Unethical
2. Why the nature of Nu Skin is Evil

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